No more FARC
América > Especial Marcha 4 de febreroPor Ángela Kavalov
domingo 10 de febrero de 2008 1:50 COT

On Feb. 4th, San Francisco and San José, two big cities of California, put their voices together to shout loudly: “NO MORE FARC”. Hundreds of Colombians and their friends from other countries expressed their rejection to violence, kidnapping and the terrorism of FARC.
Among those congregated in front of the cities’ City Halls was F. L. Paz, a Colombian political refugee writer who escaped from FARC few years ago. During the march, the writer read a powerful testimony of his memories during captivity, and shared the pain and hopeless feelings he experienced. FARC, he said, made him compromise his own ideology by forcing him to teach others what he thought it was wrong. While reading his testimony at the march, F. L. Paz got emotional and told everyone: “FARC hurt my heart for life, the hearts of the Colombians”. This Colombian writer has published Porque lloran los tucanes, Mi escape ("Why The Toucans Weep. My Scape"), a book where he describes what is like living in captivity with FARC in the middle of the jungle, the emotional and physical effects, the damage to his spirit (
F. L. Paz was there, at the march, to tell us about his frighting dream with FARC, from which he couldn’t wake up, and that is why we, millions of people around the world marched that 4th of February, to shout out loudly, NO MORE FARC, let’s put end to this nightmare!!!
domingo 10 de febrero de 2008, 18:05 COT
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